Seeing (Too Much) Green: Reality Cues’ Eco-Porn Competition

The Eco-Porn Competition, which launched on August 11, is the latest in Reality Cues’ series of tongue-in-cheek competitions that point out the tropes in architecture. The series gives entrants a chance to be sassy yet reverent with their submissions, while opening a broader discussion on various architectural trends. This time around, Reality Cues is looking for some top-notch Eco-Porn in the green architecture trend.

Sustainability, now a requirement in modern architectural projects, has brought about revolutionary ideas into the field. But there are those questionable renderings that go a little too far, adding excessive greenery and other common eco-friendly paraphernalia to merely sell the project as sustainable (a.k.a. eco-porn). The competition questions the motives behind this trend: Are architects seeing too much green?

Entries are being accepted until Sept. 21. Winners will be announced by Reality Cues on Oct. 31.
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