How to Calculate Spiral Staircase Dimensions and Designs

A spiral staircase can really change the aesthetic of a space and be an eye-catching centerpiece – it is typically a type of round or curved stair where the steps are connected to and rotating around a center column to form a complete circle. Spiral staircases were known to bring a sense of luxury to important architecture like palaces and churches, but in our modern-day, they can be comfortably used anywhere – spiral stairs can produce really innovative staircase ideas!

Spiral Staircase

Photography by © Mark Cocksedge

Do spiral staircases save space?

Spiral staircases do save space – this is why they were invented in the first place. The reason is the fact that all the steps are located within a diameter regardless of the staircase’s height.

What is the minimum diameter for a spiral staircase? 

The minimum diameter for a spiral staircase differs according to your country’s building code. However, a minimum of 5’ is generally accepted and comfortable.

How to Calculate Spiral Staircase Dimensions?

© Matheus Pereira

length of helical staircase = (π (Pi) x radius x angle of rotation) / 180)

© Matheus Pereira

© Matheus Pereira

© Matheus Pereira
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