Search results for: 3D printing

Digital Fabrication and the Revolution of Architecture

Digital fabrication (DF) developed rapidly over several years and it came with the promise of changing the face of architecture, and only then did ...

Reused and Recycled Materials in Interior Design

According to the World Bank Group, the world generates around 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) each year, and about 33% of that was ...

10 Architectural Innovative Technologies All Architects Should Know

In our digital age, countless architectural innovation technologies are emerging and changing the way we design - on the top of these technologies is ...

Inkstone House OCT Linpan Cultural Center | Achi-Union

Inkstone House OCT Linpan Cultural Center Designed by Archi-Union Architects, Inkstone House OCT Linpan Cultural Center in Anren, Sichuan is ...

New York City: 8 Architects to Follow in 2019

2019 will be a big year for New York City's architectural industry. Here, we've compiled a list of promising architects based in New York City who ...

DMT-Inspired Church in New York to Glorify Art

There is generally a God for everything: a God of wisdom, a god of death, a god of war, and so on. Interestingly, there is also a God of Visionary ...

How Visions of Futuristic Architecture Have Transformed in 100 Years

Humanity continuously hopes for a better tomorrow. We may not be able to change the past, but we can do our best to create a better future, for the ...

INTERVIEW WITH Winka Dubbeldam | Arch2O

A practicing architect and founding principal of the New York firm Archi-Tectonics, Winka Dubbeldam is widely known for her award-winning work, ...


AA ATHENS VISITING SCHOOL: RESONANCE Thursday 12 – Saturday 21 July 2018 Our world is enriched by the numerous interactive means that connect us ...

AA SUMMER DLAB: Monday 23rd July – Friday 10th August 2018

AA Summer DLAB experiments with the integration of advanced computational design, analysis, and large-scale prototyping techniques. Now in its 13th ...

15 Christmas Gifts for Architects

Buying gifts for architects can be a handful, especially if your loved one is in the field. Dear God, help us, they can be REALLY picky!! With the ...

10 Popular Non-Architectural Online Courses That Architects Need to Check

If you are an architect, then you have probably realized by now that architecture, probably more than any other field, requires knowledge in all ...