Search results for: Arup

6 Astonishing Designs by Thomas Heatherwick That Will Blow Your Mind

As one of the GQ's 50 best-dressed British men, Thomas Alexander Heatherwick is an English designer born on 17 February 1970 in London, England. He ...

What Does the Dynamic Future of Hyperloop Transportation Imply for Architecture?

What is Hyperloop transportation, and what it means for architecture? Step into the future, now at 700 mph. Using magnetic levitation, Hyperloop One ...

WoZoCo Apartments in Amsterdam | MVRDV

WoZoCo Apartments in Amsterdam WoZoCo is a prime example of housing in the Netherlands, providing answers for needs of their time. The large ...

Casa da Musica | OMA

Designed by OMA, The Casa da Musica is situated on Travertine Plaza, between the city's historic quarter and a working-class neighborhood, adjacent ...

Seattle Library | OMA + LMN

Seattle Library by OMA + LMN: This is one of the most inspiring projects I know. It's not just the skin or the structure. It's the new program ...

New Istanbul International Financial Center | HOK

Istanbul International Financial Center One of the oldest cities in the world, Istanbul is the center of history, culture, art and science. It is ...

Sheraton Incheon Hotel in Korea | HOK

Sheraton Incheon Hotel HOK collaborates with Heerim A&P to bring the first class hotel. It is located at the central axis between Central Park, ...

London Aquatics Centre | Zaha Hadid Architects

The London Aquatics Centre, in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park at Stratford, is an indoor facility with two 50 meter Olympic sized pools and a 25-meter ...

The SSE Hydro Arena | Foster and Partners

The SSE Hydro Arena Norman Foster, along with his partners, attracts the spotlights of the architectural community once again through the mastery of ...

Elytra Filament Pavilion | Achim Menges + John Madejski

Elytra Filament Pavilion | Achim Menges +  John Madejski If biomimicry is at its core in the 21st century architecture, we are at a crossroads ...

Faustino Winery | Foster and Partners

Faustino Winery Bodegas Portia, a new winery for the famous Faustino Group which has come under the intellectual supervision of Foster and Partners ...

Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022 Stadium | Foster and Partners

Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022 Stadium by Foster and Partners: Who doesn't want to visit Qatar? Even more, which architect doesn't want to project a ...