Liquid Pillows | Studio Pepe Heykoop

Oh, somewhere Dali is smiling. Liquid Pillows, designed by Studio Pepe Heykoop, asks questions of permanence, state and condition. When we sit, what are we really doing. To sit is to ‘take a load off’, to relinquish the demands we place upon our limbs, to melt. And perhaps because of this we design chairs to be solid(ish), to visually say ‘I got it, you don’t have to worry about gravity no more.’ What then does it mean for a chair to tell us ‘ya, I feel the weight too’? I am unsure, but I know there’s something there.

Pepe Heykoop describes its conception as ‘in search of capturing a moment, like a still’. Foam is dripped over a rigid steel frame and the two are sealed together by a layer of rubber. The human experience exists in the foam, ‘melting’ over an external support. And sitting and sat-on are locked together, becoming neither one nor the other but a third… statement.

Courtesy of Studio Pepe Heykoop

Courtesy of Studio Pepe Heykoop
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