Light Sculptures | Diet Wiegman

The art of shadow forming is an unusual and challenging project, one that artist Diet Wiegman has embraced and excelled in.

What appears to be random assemblies of trash and other various objects take on new life as soon as a light is shined on them, proving art is more than a finished piece, there is also great art in how that piece is presented to the public.
It is only from the perfect angle of light hitting the sculptures that a recognizable shadow begins to form whether it is Michael Jackson, Michelangelo’s David, or the Earth’s surface.

Courtesy of Diet Wiegman

On the one hand the sculptures look hap hazard, as though they fell into place effortlessly or were merely picked out of the trash that way, when in reality to produce the shadowed effect a lot of trial and error experimentation had to occur.

Courtesy of Diet Wiegman

These works are imaginative and compelling, forcing viewers to take a closer look at how an abstract pile of junk can produce a shadow that is familiar.
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