Search results for: White on White Studio

Masonic Amphitheatre | Virginia Tech School of Architecture + Design : design/buildLAB

The Masonic Amphitheatre, designed and built by my alma mater, Virginia Tech School of Achitecture + Design's design/buildLAB, led by professors ...

University of California Art Museum Proposal | WORKac

WORKac unveiled one proposal of its two submissions from the competition of University of California new museums. The competition was lunched the ...

Gue(ho)st House | Christophe Berdaguer + Marie Péjus

The French artists Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus have recently converted an old house with quite a history into something that is both ...

The narrow house | Bassam El Okeily

The "narrow house" is a 5.30 m wide house situated on an equally narrow site in Bilzen, Belgium, near the Holland frontier. The clients are middle ...

Enveloping Space | Lisa-Christin Laue

The beginning of the studio was spent analyzing the interior envelopes of a precedent of our choice from the baroque period. I chose Sant’Ivo alla ...

Mechanical Heart Sculptures | Frank Tjepkema

Mechanical Heart Sculptures Frank Tjepkema These intricate, multi-layered paper hearts were designed and created by designer Frank Tjepkema, ...

Evolutional Theatre in Vienna | Fei Tang

Tang Fei, a Chinese blogger, artist and architect graduated from The University of Applied Arts Vienna 2011, experimented a new form production at ...

SUMO-Scribed Apartment Building | Metaform Architects

If one is in search of dualities, then Luxembourg is as good a place as any to look. So small, yet possessing of so much of the world’s wealth. This ...

Mimicry Chairs | Nendo

Mimicry Chairs, is an installation of white metal chairs that are stacked in a tower and clustered on staircases around the V&A museum as part of ...

Nihilistic Optimistic exhibition | Tim Noble and Sue Webster

 Nihilistic Optimistic exhibition by Tim Noble and Sue Webster Tim Noble & Sue Webster’s recently have their first major solo ...

Media Center | Pooyan Rouhiarmaki

The site is located in lower Manhattan between Tribeca and White Hall. We started by defining a system in which the project as a smaller system would ...

LEBBEUS WOODS (1940-2012)

"Architecture does not exist, what exists is the spirit of Architecture" - Louis Kahn While in Rhinebeck, evacuated from New York City due to ...