Search results for: façade

Armani Fifth Avenue | Doriana & Massimiliano Fuksas Architects

Situated in the center of New York, in one of the world’s well known streets, the Armani Fifth Avenue design by Doriana & Massimiliano Fuksas ...


Maison de l’Économie Créative et de la Culture en Aquitaine, or MÉCA for short, is a hybrid building proposal by BIG + FREAKS for a new cultural ...

Civic Sports Centre and 2013 National Games Arena | Emergent

Los Angeles based firm,  Emergent have won a competition of the Civic Sports Centre and the 2013 National Games Arena in Shenyang. The project, set ...

Dance Palace | UN Studio

Part of the new European Embankment city quarter masterplan for a new urban plaza in the midst of historic St. Petersburg, the 21,000 m² Dance ...

Riverside Museum | Zaha Hadid Architects

The design of the Riverside Museum in Glasgow by Zaha Hadid Architects started in 2007. By late September 2008 the steel skeleton of the structure ...

KHNP Headquarters | H Architecture

Located in the mountainous landscape of Gyeongju, South Korea, the Korea Hydro Nuclear Power Headquarters avoids becoming an obtrusive landmark tower ...

“Habitat ITESM Leon” | SHINE Architecture + TA Arquitectura

SHINE Architcture recently has unveiled some picture of  “Habitat ITESM Leon”,  an  art/design studio workshop for students within Tec de ...

Hyper-matrix Vertical Kinetic Landscapes | Jonpasang

Hyper-matrix Vertical Kinetic Landscapes Jonpasang Hyper-Matrix is an installation created for the Hyundai Motor Group Exhibition Pavilion in Korea, ...

Jiaxing College Library & Media Center | LYCS Architecture

A division between the campus and the courtyard, the library encourages public activities in the courtyard and on the roof garden while limiting ...

Sogn & Fjordane Art Museum | C.F. Møller Architects

The small Norwegian town of Førde draws its qualities from its interaction with the surrounding mountains, which are visible everywhere, and from ...

Art Museum | designhouse PRECHTECK

The new Art Museum designed by designhouse PRECHTECK for Buenos Aires, is a building I am personally excited for. And it ain't just another one of ...

Symbiotic Vaulting: Libreville Airport | Andrew Conway Pedron, Rebecca Bartlett

Here is the project Symbiotic Vaulting: Libreville Airport by Andrew Conway Pedron, in collaboration with Rebecca Bartlett. It is a proposal for a ...