Search results for: SOM

Magic Tap Fountains Around The World

Magic Tap Fountains Around The World You probably saw one of these fountains like floating in the midair water taps cut off the pipe. Did you know ...

Tower Studio | Saunders Architecture

What is it that makes a building 'of it's location'? And the better question to follow this is 'how does this not become a cliché? It's a balance ...

The Harlem Edge | PRAUD

As we humans become more and more numerous, I believe- and I'm fairly sure this is a non-controversial belief- that we will have to become more and ...

[AC-CA] Competition: Iconic Pedestrian Bridge | Nicolas Montesano, Victor Vila, Boris Hoppek

I gotta say, bridge is one of those typologies that I always thought of as somewhat straight-forward. But I was wrong. Or at least I was thinking, ...

Cross # Towers | BIG

Cross Towers  BIG BIG have just reveled a new recognizable design, for the Cross # Towers that are located in the Yongsan International Business ...

Camille | Arne Quinze

The amazing vision of Arne Quinze is one that continues to feel new every time I see his works. Camille, located in Rouen, France is a sculptural ...

Frozen Second | Damian Ortega

You can't speed time up, you can't slow it down and neither can you rewind it. The best you can do is to freeze that second. The Mexican deassemblage ...

Funen Block K | NL Architects

Funen Block K by NL Architects is part of a masterplan for 500 residences and a park, designed by frits van dongen of Cie. The units were designed ...

Dynamic Performance of Nature | E/B Office

When I began to write a review of this project, Dynamic Performance of Nature by E/B Office, I had thoughts and questions swarming in my head about ...

COR | Oppenheim Architecture + Design

Rising some 400 feet above the Design District, COR is, in the words of Chad Oppenheim architecture + design, 'the first sustainable, mixed-use ...

Wendy | HWKN

I was thinking the other day about grids and how often they are used in the design process. It’s a simple strategy that can provide amazing results ...

Loop-The-Loop | NL Architects

Loop-The-Loop. Here is another project comprising shipping crates in an interesting, graceful, yet referential way. This proposal by NL Architects ...