Loop.ph lab Biomimetic architecture modeled on molecular structures and metabolism in living cells.

Nobel Textiles is a collaboration between Nobel-winning scientists and designers to create textiles inspired by the discoveries of the Nobel Laureates. Loop.pH has been paired with Sir John E. Walker and the following text discusses the journey and discoveries of this unique collaboration.Rachel Wingfield and Mathias Gmachl have been responding to the work of Sir John E. Walker, who has been instrumental in improving our understanding of biological energy conversion in living cells. Awarded a Nobel Prize in 1997 for his work describing how enzymes make ATP (adenosine triphosphate), he has outlined one of the most important biological systems known to man. Every day we convert around one-half our body weight in ATP. The constant cycling of this molecule drives everything from decomposition to muscle contraction in anything from bacteria to crocodiles. We share John’s interest in the workings of this incredible molecular machine with its rotary motor that spins at 50-100 times every second within our cells.

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