Capturing a scene | Kylli Sparre

Capturing a scene Kylli Sparre

Capturing a scene. The artist integrated two arts together. She doesn’t take a photo of a certain place or a certain pause but both! Dancing integrated in an urban space. The pause of the dancer, the color of the urban backdrop and the color of the costume combine together to form still scenography.

The space affects the dancer and the dancer leaves her impact on the space. This correlation could be seen through photography where each picture has different phenomena than the other. Each picture speaks for itself!

Courtesy of Kylli Sparre

The human factor gives a spatial quality and adds a certain character to the place. It emphasizes the details in the picture. You can see a dialogue taking place in the still picture.

So the still objects and the dancing woman could exchange roles in the picture and here comes surrealism. So, in one picture you could see a tree dancing like the woman. In another, you could see the woman taking a certain pause in an empty space standing like a tree. There is always a dialogue going on in the picture of the dancing woman
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