Bar Hoegaarden Greenhouse | Metamoorfose Studio

Bar Hoegaarden Greenhouse located in a region marked by diversity, and in constant development and movement in São Paulo, the bar comes as a respite. The space, design by Metamoorfose Studio,  is shaped and having a collective concept in mind. A place where different sensorial experiences could be shared. It is an invitation to pause and reconnect among a daily hustle and bustle of a big city.

© Maíra Acayaba

Based on vernacular nursery structures (Greenhouses), the exterior wooden atrium, while allows diffuse light input (horizontal structure), works as a transition area between the walkway and the bar. In order to incorporate different sensations in relation to the space, a short trail is walked through to the entrance lobby. It is a place with high ceilings, well lit and surrounded by nature. The outdoor garden is an extension of the space and, besides visually integrating the two ambiences, offers the city a new square, providing shelter and cold beer to the guests.

© Maíra Acayaba

With 360m², capacity for 200 people and a landscape project with 264 plants of 38 species, the space becomes appealing for people to get away from the daily hustle and bustle and enjoy a place surrounded by nature.

© Maíra Acayaba

The original land was composed by two lots: a built shed and a parking lot. In the shed, every structure was exposed aiming to bring more illumination and ventilation to the covered area. For the old parking lot, a garden was proposed, which has, besides the large amount of plants, drainage floor to preserve the permeability of the soil. The integration of the lots was done through the façade, which unified access to space and a new volume built at the bottom of the land, which serves as support and service to the bar.

© Maíra Acayaba

In the external area, an adaptive layout was considered, where the living spaces could be easily disassembled to cater for different use proposals. Two fixed benches are placed in the garden and the rest of the furniture can be rearranged for single people or groups just by moving the tables and chairs in or out, or even by placing together easily movable armchairs.  Stools and tables appear to have multiple functions next to trees and walls, which assures an informal ambiance. Some exclusive pieces were created in partnership with some craft artists and artists in general, aiming to intensify the sensation such as wallpapers, shared wooden tables and resin tables, always showing botanical themes.

© Maíra Acayaba

Project Info: 
Architects: Metamoorfose Studio
Location: Brazil
Area: 3875 ft²
Project Year: 2019
Photographs: Maíra Acayaba
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