Notre Dame’s Raclin Murphy Museum Of Art Opens Doors Dec. 1

Guess what? Notre Dame’s got this fantastic new Raclin Murphy Museum of Art by Robert A.M. Stern Architects (RAMSA), and it’s officially opening its doors on December 1st! This is just the beginning of a fantastic multi-year plan that’s all about boosting research and giving students in South Bend, Indiana, some top-notch arts education. Exciting times ahead!

Raclin Murphy Museum

Ā© Matt Cashore

So, here’s the scoop on the design: They’ve whipped up this 70,000-square-foot neoclassical-style building to hold the university’s massive 31,000-piece art collection. Picture this: 23 different gallery spaces in a rectangle, circling this incredible circular atrium and sculpture court. And get this ā€“ they’ve woven exhibitions from all world cultures into this fantastic ‘dialogue.’ It’s like taking a stroll through art history for about 4,000 years. Pretty mind-blowing, right?

Raclin Murphy Museum

Ā© Matt Cashore

Free Entry To The Raclin Murphy Museum Of Art

You can swing by the Raclin Murphy Museum for free, and schools don’t have to worry about any charges, either. We’ve got this fund that covers the cost of school buses ā€“ you know, because buses can be a real headache for school budgets. We get it. Bringing in those young minds is our gig. It’s like opening up a whole new world for them, letting them dive into fresh ideas and places without needing to step out of their hometown. Cool, right?

Raclin Murphy Museum

Ā© Matt Cashore

The Raclin Murphy Museum of Art is opening its doors to everyone on Friday, Dec. 1, kicking off a three-day bash. It sits on the northeast corner of Eddy Street and Angela Boulevard, just a hop north of Eddy Street Commons. They named it after Ernestine Raclin, who sadly left us in July, and her daughter and son-in-law, Carmi and Christopher Murphy. And get this ā€“ all three days will be a blast, each with a different vibe. They’ve got a ton of cool stuff lined up for the weekend, showing off the new spaces and fantastic artwork they’ve got going on. It’s going to be a party!

Raclin Murphy Museum

Ā© Matt Cashore

Mary, Queen of Families Chapel In The Raclin Murphy Museum

Step into the 77,000-square-foot museum and discover a treasure on the second floor: the Mary, Queen of Families Chapel. With clear glass doors, the space welcomes you with light and warmth, seamlessly blending ancient sacred art and new works. Two pieces by Mimmo Paladino, a vibrant royal blue stained-glass panel, and a mosaic ceiling tell the stories of the Holy Family, the Congregation of Holy Cross, the St. Joseph Valley, and the Indigenous people of the region. It’s a captivating blend of old and new in this inviting space.

Raclin Murphy Museum

Ā© Matt Cashore

Exhibitions And Educational Exhibits At The Raclin Murphy Museum

Step into these 23 galleries, and you’re in for a journey through time. Wander into the European art gallery, and you’re transported straight into the 1700s. And take advantage of the Indigenous Art of the Americas gallery, showcasing creations from both North and South America.
We’ve crafted a visual treat for you ā€“ think dramatic entrances, strategic lighting, and walls painted in rich, jewel-tone colors. It’s not your typical white-walled art space with pieces hanging on it; it’s an immersive experience. Everything is intentional, making sure the space complements and enhances the art it holds. It’s not just a collection of artworks; it’s a complete experience waiting for you.

Raclin Murphy Museum

Ā© Matt Cashore
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