Search results for: Green Buildings

Museum of Contemporary Art | Drozdov & Partners

Museum of Contemporary Art Drozdov & Partners A new museum on the territory of one of the oldest factories in Kiev is expected to boost the ...

Chengdu Tianfu Cultural | Studio Fuksas

Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas have won the international competition for the construction of the first cultural center in the city of Chengdu. This ...

Helsinki Central Library Competition | Tanni Lam, Johnny Chiu, Adrian Lo

The need for a new library in the centre of Helsinki became topical already in the 1990s in connection with the development of the Kamppi-Toolonlahti ...

Helsinki Central Library Competition | PRAUD

PRAUD unveiled their entry of Helsinki Central Library Competition, titled ‘The Heart of the Metropolis’. The proposal aims at becoming a ‘Living ...

The Tree House | Baumraum

Designed by Baumraum, Almost every kid growing up has wanted a tree house, and now there’s one for adults that is more than a hideout or fort, but a ...

International Touring Complex Hangzhou | Steven Holl Architects

The International Touring Complex for Hangzhou, China is a proposal by Steven Holl Architects to design a major urban quarter on a former industrial ...

Generation Kingspan competition | Vineet Bhosle

Vineet Bhosle, an architect from SmithGroupJJR shared with us his entry of Generation Kingspan competition. The proposed design is a genuine effort ...

Hangzhou Waves | JDS

  With hybrid buildings becoming the essence of architecture as of recently, it is refreshing to come across a design that steps away from this ...

Songjiang Hotel Building – Intercontinental Shanghai Wonderland | Atkins

Intercontinental Shanghai Wonderland by Atkins: Without a doubt, the biggest changes to our world as we enter a new, modern era is the distinct ...

“The Living Tower” – Office Building | Onie Khondaker

If we watch closely we will see, most of the office buildings become a dead place after the office hours. No or hardly any public activity is ...

Keelung Harbor Competition | PAR + SES

PAR (Platform for Architecture + Research) + Sériès et Sériès unveiled their second stage entry of Keelung Harbor Competition, a competition of ...

Kaohsiung Maritime Cultural & Pop Music Center, Honourable Mention | Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects

Well. I am completely unsure of how to describe this building. Is is deconstructivist? What then is being deconstructed? Maybe it's constructivist ...