Search results for: artist

The Busan Opera house | Solus4

As part of an international design competition intended to a establish a design for the Busan Opera House that is to be constructed in 2014, the ...

Domino Starry Night | FlippyCat

This is just one of those things that is inspiring to watch take shape and then work. It is Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night executed in 7,067 falling ...

Rolling Through the Bay | Scott Weaver

This guy puts all of us hard working creators of things and art to shame. Estimating over 3,000 hours of work and counting, on this crazy complex, ...

Constellation | Kumi Yamashita

Wow. This ongoing series of portraits, titled Constellation, by New York artist Kumi Yamashita has more to it than first glance reveals. It is one, ...

Soundtheque Concert Hall | Garrett Ryan Miller and Mike Atherton

A redefinition of the concert hall typology, this proposal for the iSymphony Comprehensive Building Design by Garrett Ryan Miller and Mike Atherton- ...

Home | Miler Lagos

I can think of some better uses for books (reading) yet I can also think of many books which should never be read and have no other foreseeable ...

Zhang Yimou Portrait | Hong Yi (Red)

Tradition and community is what inspired the creation of this unusual portrait of Zhang Yimou made from socks, bamboo sticks, and pins. The portrait ...

Guan Yin | Guy Laramee

The artwork of Guy Laramee shown here is just amazing. I've seen the use and carving away of books in a multitude of applications through my life, ...

Suspended Bouncy Ball | Nike Savvas

In 2005, artist Nike Savvas presented an installation called "Atomic: Full of Love, Full of Wonder" at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art in ...

Streets Paintings from Malaysia | Ernest Zacharevic

  Artist Ernest Zacharevic created four new street art works represent figures of mischievous children that are seen interacting with ...

Growth at Dilston Grove | Heather Ackroyd & Dan Harvey with Graeme Miller

'Through the application of clay, germinating grass seed, water and natural light the boundary between growth and decay, reverie and renewal was ...

STAR Performing Arts Centre | Aedas

The STAR Performing Arts Centre at Vista Xchange, is a new entertainment, lifestyle and retail complex located in Singapore. The architects, Aedas, ...