User Posts: Yosra M. Ahmed

Canadian Photographer Captures the Fancy Architecture of Moscow’s “Socialist” Metro Stations If you are an architecture student or an architect, then you have ...

Amazingly Realistic Urban Architectural Model by Australian Miniaturist Artist from Basic Materials Australian artist Joshua Smith is a former stencil artist ...

South Korean Artist Reveals the Hidden Beauty of Local Convenience Stores in Acrylic Ink Illustrations To many people, the architecture of South Korea is ...

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to detect aircraft before the invention of the radar system in 1935? Well, yes there was, actually, a system known as ...

Lemay Wins Competition to Redesign Casablanca’s 5Km Coast Canadian architecture practice Lemay has won an international competition to redesign the corniche ...

UNStudio Wins Competition for Mixed-Use High Rise in the Heart of Frankfurt Dutch architecture firm UNStudio has won a competition for the development of the ...

Do you know how the Tardis is bigger on the inside? Well, these small houses, as well, feel bigger on the inside, but there is nothing supernatural about them. ...

Discover the Beauty of Latvia’s Rundāle Palace The Baroque-styled palace in Rundāle was built for the Dukes of Courland, now Latvia, between 1736 and 1768. It ...

7 New Skyscrapers in La Défense District in Paris to Lure Business from Brexit London La Défense district in Paris has been announced to house seven new ...

Google Mountain View Campus in California Unveiled in New Renderings: New renderings for the planned Google headquarters in Mountain view, California, has ...

The three Spanish architects Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigemand, and Ramon Vilalta have been announced winners of the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize, in its 39th ...

Three years ago, London-based Heatherwick Studio was assigned the task of repurposing the exterior of historical grain silos and elevator tower at the Victoria ...

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