User Posts: Mahitab Mohamed

"Kerdo" is a three pieces pavilion designed by Chun Qing Li of Pavilion Architecture, inspired by the nature in its concept and form. Those three pieces are ...

In order to give their store a unique look, Youth s.r.l. asked Mammafotogramma Architecture and Wood-Skin™ for a different retail interior design. So they ...

This amazing staircase designed by Andrew McConnell, based on the concept of whale's backbone, by making a single component that has a spiral form of whale's ...

"MGPM" is a front desk unique in design and form,  created by TOTAN KUZEMBAEV and OLJAS KUZEMBAEV for the masterplaning group MGPM. A plywood desk ...

"The Moment We Meet" is a kinetic installation for the MRT public art by Taiwanese artist  Hsin-Chien Huang.It offers a panel system composes 10x10 matrixex of ...

Helix is a diffuse furniture system designed by OSW (Open Source Workshop) for the 2014 Milan Design Week. It is continuous furniture that can occupy ...

"Vulkan Beehives" are series of hives designed by the Norwegian architecture studio Snøhetta, located on the roof of a food court in Oslo, in order to let ...

It is an unconventional fashion collection designed by Noa Raviv, inspired by the revolution of classical arts during the ancient civilization to make it a ...

The designers Mario GASSER & Bence PAP designed this pavilion for "The Austrian Expo Pavilion Milano 2015"'s competition. photography by:Bence Pap | ...

" S" is a result of collaboration between the German firm Eight and BMW group placed outside the BMW welt in Munich. A high technique sustainable ...

Designed by Barrios Escudero, this pavilion for Exhibition and Sale of Furniture is made to differentiated space in relation to the sculptural and visual ...

UK Pavilion for Shanghai World Expo 2010 by Heatherwick Studio The UK pavilion "The Seed Cathedral" is the winner of the Shanghai World Expo 2010, and also ...

Browsing All Comments By: Mahitab Mohamed