Preserving Mexico-Expo Milano 2015 | Francisco Lopez-Jorge Vallejo

The culture of Mexico is rooted deeply with in the ecosystem of the country. This is so evident in the country that in 2012 Mexican Cuisine was elected the intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.The state of Mexico want to show the visitors of the country the wealth of its natural resources and biodiversity through joining the Expo Milano 2015. The goal is to find solutions for the world to free us from hunger and malnutrition by creating sustainable food production practices.

courtesy of Francisco Lopez-Jorge Vallejo

Since the first participation in a Universal Exhibit, Mexico has always delivered an imposing structure that captures the imagination. The main theme of the Expo Milano is sustainability. Francisco Lopez Guerra Almada and Jorge Vallejo collaborated with biologist Juan Gussy to design the winning concept of the international competition based on the corn of Mexico. The structure covers 1,910 square meters of the pavilion space. The area for this is around a steam of water, which gives life to the gardens, and other ecological resources of Mexico.

courtesy of Francisco Lopez-Jorge Vallejo
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