Mangrove Visitor Points | Vincent Heryanto

The fast-growing of jakarta infrastructure has created the lack of open and green space in the city, which take roles of urban ecology and physical aspects. The demolition of green space in jakarta has caused new problems to it’s environment. pantai indah kapuk, has known as a demolished mangrove forest area which is changed to residential areas and had the worst land subsidence level. Clearly, the rest of mangrove fosest in jakarta should be protected and conserved to save jakarta from more problems that caused threats for jakarta’s environment itself.

courtesy of © Vincent Heryanto

“Mangrove Visitor Points” is a project that creates systems in mangrove forest and aims to conserve the mangrove forest by increasing human awareness about the importance of mangrove forest, and also creating new spaces for jakarta citizens to enjoy the new green space and the whole ecosystem, and to provide “living space” for human to release their stress living in the density of Jakarta.”]

This project’s goal is to create a new jakarta citizen’s lifestyle living with the natural urban ecology.

courtesy of © Vincent Heryanto

 Vincent Heryanto
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