It’s a world full of endless possibilities.

This may just have been the mantra of Scott Fulbright (who works at an algae biofuel company) as he has led a team of intelligent friends to create Living Ink, an algae-based time-lapse ink that slowly appears on the page.

Living ink is an invention, which was born out of necessity when, Fulbright went shopping for a card for his grandma and found no card worthy of his beloved grandma. His brief thought about what he could have had instead of what he bought became a EUREKAH moment. In that instance, he remembered the amazing characteristics of the algae – fast growth, blowing abilities, and color changing abilities – and that was how he decided to use what he had (algae) to create what he wanted.

It took a team of intelligent and like-minded scientists – to nurse his thought to fruition. Today, the product is ready… and a very welcome invention by the world…

The sweet thing about Living Ink is that beyond its use as a fascinating tool, it is safe and sustainable unlike the regular ink.

This is an amazing present to get for yourself and your loved once this season. So feel free, grab your Living ink kit, and get productively creative this season.

By: D’zyna Eni

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