Featured at the Kobe Binnale 2011, Crater Lake, an installation project by 24 Studio, explores the idea of a topographical space placed in an urbanized context in order to increase interaction and exploration of their immediate surroundings.

Courtesy of © 24° Studio

Before being exhibited at the Binnale, the design received an award from the Shitsurai Art International Competition held in Kobe, Japan. The overall design took inspiration from a devastating earthquake that hit Kobe and consequently changed the attitude of the current residents.

Courtesy of © 24° Studio

24 Studio created Crater Lake to inspire a welcoming feeling to the users in the hopes that interaction between other residents or visitors an their space will help to promote a healthier environment after the natural disaster.

Courtesy of © 24° Studio

The topographical surface allows people to traverse through the entire fabricated landscape and is manipulated to face certain areas of traffic to draw them in. Standard wood and off-the-shelf hardware were used so that they could keep the cost down.

Courtesy of © 24° Studio

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