Biomimicry principles to Desgin | Enrico Gondim

Looking at nature for design influences, the Ivy Chair designed by Brazilian Designer Enrico Gondim, uses the principles of Biomimicry as his basis, which looks at nature for design ideas.

Courtesy of © Enrico Gondim

The chair’s base takes the shape of a rocking chair, which promotes relaxation from its back and fort swaying motion. Material wise, the base uses American Oak wood, in keeping with the nature approach to the design.

Courtesy of © Enrico Gondim

The cushioning is made from a non-peeling, water resistant felt, which is weaved like straws using a repetitive process, similar to that which is often found in nature. This aids in the transformation of the two-dimensional process into a three-dimensional form.

Courtesy of © Enrico Gondim

Aside from biominicry, Ernst Haeckel a philosopher also influenced him. It was his method of scaling up the micro that helped guide the transformation of the small-palm folded material in a larger piece of sculptural work.

Courtesy of © Enrico Gondim
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