Seeds of Alteration / Beggars Rehabilitation Center |D. Khrabsheh, A. Atia & D. Muhaisen

Seeds of Alteration / Beggars Rehabilitation Center |D. Khrabsheh, A. Atia & D. Muhaisen

The project aims to provide a comprehensive and radical solution for the issue of begging in Jordan; Through :

-Creating a stimulating, productive and healthy environment.

– Involving the community.

– Promoting productivity through activity and built environment “productive architecture”.

-Serving local community through providing spaces for common activities and selling products of inmates.

Then, we put the results of studies and analysis in a theoretical framework that lead us to create the architectural solution. We choose the horticultural therapy (HT) as the main activity (productive and rehabilitation activity ).

Project Credits

Project Name: SEEDS OF ALTERATION / Beggars Rehabilitation Center.

Project Year: Graduation project / University of Jordan

Team members:
– Dina Khrabsheh
– Alaa Atia
-Deyar Muhaisen

Supervisor: Dr. Wael Al-Azhari

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