The birds’ ballet dance | Alain delorme

Nature is always the root of inspiration to many artists. Watching the breathtaking motion of the wild birds in the sky observing how they stick together forms a flying carpet makes us stop and stare for some time.It’s like a ballet dance in the air. Their outstanding firm yet tender movement showing unity and flexibility blows the mind. They are like black dots forming shapes in the sky through centralization and decentralization. This is one of the most beautiful natural scenes you can see in your life.

Courtesy of   Alain delorme

If you checked Alain Delorme’s work you would see how much he was influenced by this natural beauty. At first impression it could be understood as photographs of real scenes, but with a deeper look you’ll discover that they are pictures of manmade sculptures. He represented the wildlife phenomena with black plastic bags arranged in a way to give the impact of the twisted movement.The artist here mixes two different but connected worlds with each other in the same scene! He represents the “murmuration” effect with the different colors of the sun from behind delivering to the viewer the scene of the poetic space. Check the extraordinary video of the birds’ ballet dance by neels castillon at
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