Surrealistic Digital Photo Collages | Elena Vizerskaya

Surrealistic Digital Photo Collages

Looking at Elena Vizerskaya’s Surrealistic Digital Photo Collages is like stepping in an “Alice-in-Wonderland” universe. The young Ukrainian artist often poses as a model for her works or collaborates with close friends. In fact, her works have often been compared to the surrealistic paintings of Salvador Dalí or René Magritte.

With a playful approach, she expresses herself through visual techniques rather than words. Her work invites viewers to step inside her fantastic world and feel rather than think. “It is a special space that looks rather like a dream filled with reflections and allusions. A space where many things meant to be felt, not understood, where you come back again and again“, Elena mentions.

Apart from being exhibited in galleries and winning awards, the collages have also been used for magazine covers and illustrations, apparel prints and advertising campaigns. You can follow her work on her website and on her Facebook page.
By: Ana Cosma
Edited by: Zeynab Matar
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