Reproducing fine art paintings using 3D Printer | Tim Zaman

This new innovative 3D reproduction printer designed and built by the Dutch researcher Tim Zaman. The device uses a photographic scanning system that takes a three-Dimensional image of any fine art painting, and then processes it through a data to print process.The process starts with a 3D visualization of the painting using the photographic scanning system, which uses two cameras along with a projector to achieve fringe projection. This allows a microscopic detail to transfer quickly, capturing in the millions at 3D full colour points per shot. Due to fringe projection the printer prints the topology of the painting, with accurate representation of brush strokes used by the artist.

Courtesy of Tim Zaman

With this type of 3D printer, Tim Zaman can reproduce any piece of work even masterpieces with great accuracy, matching that of the original. This can yield great advantages for art restoration and conservation. The downfall to this device is the idea of forgery if it fell into the wrong hands, which should not happen if distribution is carefully controlled.
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