Automobile  brought a fundamental change in the course of world history , influencing both in terms of economic, social , cultural as well as in terms of technological innovation . With the improvement of this technology there is an immediate approach and wide enough in all areas of life . Building  appeared in the area tend dominance , where despite the monumentality and massive and dominant character who has the object makes a visual horizons opening in all axes that  formulate the square. Volume formulation is meant doing an analysis and context . I chose not to rigidly stick to the context . The volume serves as an amplifier of movement on the urban  silhouette . Thereby assure a harmonious urban silhouette . This choice is due to intent to convert this object into a symbol , perhaps not only national but also regional , as a unique object , and in the volume treatment.Use a combination of organic lines and cut lines. The volume is composed of two main volumes, inspired by automotive design and technology. In the first volume reflected the transition from verticality to horizontality in a streamlined manner. In the second volume, the concept is started from road infrastructure and it sports track. Representing a continuous line without interrupting the initial process which was evident both within and outside the volume. This volume of linen in the final stages of conception, this reflects the ongoing movement of mostly interior. While the exterior appears more compact. Those lines make the structure a dynamic sculpture inspired by the automobile. Captures the dynamic flow of the vehicle structure, creating the impression of a homogeneous community, a constantly changing appearance depending on light and weather conditions. Compact object as well as open versus outside – inside the movement . Volumes are equally treated the two different elements to express interaction through sports and civil use to show these two viewpoints however remote with each other. Project name: Automobile museum, and showroom
Name: Arch.Hysen Ciflku
School: Tirana Politechnicium University
Consultant studio: X-PLAN studio, Albania
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